Sunday, December 9, 2007

CISA Exam Tips

- Study the CISA review manual (CRM) religiously. Yup, I used only the CRM as my learning material.

- Use the sample exam questions from the CISA CDs. Get your hands on previous year’s CDs too, if possible. Use the mock-up exam generator provided with the CDs.

- When studing from the CRM and using the sample questions on the CD make notes of things you think are important, or things where you get confused make notes with a small eg.

- Use these notes on the day of the exam for revision, as if you look at the book on the exam day, you will want to look at everything and won't have the time.

- Try and study with a friend, discussion's in this help as you get to know more of examples.

- Try to answer the questions yourself first, then learn the answers. Do not memorize the answers, but try to understand the reasoning behind it.

- Even if you answered right on a question, study the answers anyway. This way, you should get the feel on how the questions on a CISA exam should be answered.

- Experience in audit is an advantage. IT audit is just like any other audit, but with a different scope.

- All the processes behind an IT audit is just the same with other audits: business process understanding, audit scope definition, audit planning, the audit itself, and reporting. The knowledge of these processes will get you to a running start.

- Experience in IT is an even greater advantage.

- Arrive early at the exam location. Nothing will wreak havoc on your mental state like arriving late on the d-day. Provide some time to locate your classroom -my exam location was a school - and seat number.

- Skip the preparation courses. The only way it helped me was in the form of mock-up exam sessions. I also think that these courses will bring some good for you if you don’t have any experience in auditing.

- Have a hearty breakfast first. The test takes four hours, you know – mine lasted from 9 AM to 1 PM– so you’d better prepare yourself for a good fight.

- Have your photo ID card ready. The proctors will really compare yourself with the photograph. I have a friend who was questioned by his proctor because he changed his hairstyle when he took his exam.

- That’s it. Best of luck to you guys taking the exam!

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